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  • Writer's picturealiyabrowne97

Fasting for Lent

Lent is just around the corner, beginning on February 14th with Ash Wednesday thru Thursday, March 28th. It's a special season, one that calls us to pause, reflect, and deepen our spiritual connection with God.

Now, when it comes to observing Lent, there's no one-size-fits-all approach.

You've got options, and each one can be a meaningful step on your journey:

Consider various fasts:

  • Traditional Fast (abstaining from all food during specific hours)

  • Partial Fast (restricting specific foods)

  • Digital Fast (disconnecting from technology

  • Acts of Kindness Fast (dedicating your fast to helping others)What truly matters is our genuine desire to grow spiritually and strengthen our connection with God. 

It’s not only about what you’re giving up through fasting, but what you’re giving in during your fasting as well. Giving in, or taking in, is the time of strengthening your faith to grow closer to God. In your fast you’re seeking God, not just giving up food or luxuries. During this time, one should seek Gods answer to questions like,  what are you saying to me right now in my life? How can I worship you more? Help me to be more obedient? (Insert your own) Adding in time for prayer, seeking Gods will through bible reading and studying, meditation and silence, these are the things you’re taking in. This is your time of reflection. 

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