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  • Writer's picturealiyabrowne97

The Power of Partnership

As we conclude our discussion on the power of prayer partners this week, I wanted to share a powerful example from Scripture, one from the New Testament, that remind us how vital prayer and partnership can be in our faith journey.

New Testament: Mary and Elizabeth (Luke 1:39-45)

In the New Testament, we see the beautiful relationship between Mary, the mother of Jesus, and her cousin Elizabeth, who was also pregnant with John the Baptist. When Mary visited Elizabeth, they shared a moment of joy and faith, encouraging one another in the miraculous plans God had for their lives. Elizabeth blessed Mary, affirming her faith and God’s promises, showing how vital it is to have someone to stand with you in your spiritual journey.

Though their story doesn’t mention a formal prayer, it beautifully illustrates the power of faith-filled partnership and support. Just like Mary and Elizabeth, we all need those who can walk alongside us, encourage us, and lift us up in prayer.Who is walking with you in faith? Who can you lift up in prayer this week? Looking forward to praying with you tomorrow morning. 

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