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  • Writer's picturealiyabrowne97

What is Examen Prayer?

For the month of July we are going to focus praying according to the Examen Prayer method. This prayer technique was developed by St. Ignatius of Loyola, and is a reflective prayer method designed to help individuals recognize God's presence in their daily lives.Below I have listed the steps to practice the Examen Prayer.

 Steps to the Examen Prayer

PreparationFind a Quiet Space: Choose a place where you won't be disturbed for about 15-20 minutes.

Settle In: Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths to center yourself.


Moments of Gratitude: Think about the blessings and good things that happened today. They can be big or small.

Give Thanks: Express your gratitude to God for these moments and gifts.

Request for LightAsk for Guidance: Pray for the Holy Spirit to help you see your day through God's eyes. Ask for clarity and insight as you reflect.

Review the DayRecall the Day: Mentally walk through your day from start to finish. Notice your feelings, thoughts, and


Notice God's Presence: Look for moments when you felt God's presence, when you were loving, and when you felt joy or peace.

Face Your ShortcomingsAcknowledge Mistakes: Recognize any actions, thoughts, or attitudes that were not in line with God's will.

Seek Forgiveness: Ask God for forgiveness and guidance on how to improve in these areas.

Look ForwardSet Intentions for Tomorrow: Think about how you can follow God's will more closely in the coming day.

Pray for Strength: Ask for God's help and strength to make positive changes.

Closing PrayerExpress Your Hopes: End with a prayer of hope and confidence in God's presence and support.

Thank God: Thank God for this time of reflection and for the insights you have received.

Here are a few tips for practicing Examen PrayerConsistency: Try to practice the Examen daily, preferably at the same time each day.

Be Honest: Be truthful with yourself about your day and your feelings. This honesty is key to spiritual growth.

Be Patient: It might take some time to get into the habit of the Examen, so be patient with yourself as you learn and grow in this practice.

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